Sponsorship Awards


Science needs young talent, young people with new ideas. Anyone who discovers the joy of research and tinkering as a young person is open to technical solutions and may later choose a career in the natural sciences and engineering.

The "Friends of IHP" association is committed to its responsibility towards the younger generation. We want to encourage pupils with their own ideas. That is why we have been awarding an annual pupils research award since 2001. Since 2005, we have benefited from the support of Sparkasse Oder-Spree (a German bank).

Brandenburg pupils in grades 9 to 12 are invited to apply with a science and technology project.

> To the Research Award


The "Friends of IHP" association has been awarding a nationwide sponsorship prize for outstanding technical and scientific bachelor's, master's and diploma theses since 2005. In this way, the association supports young scientists and rewards above-average performance. "Deutsche Bank" has sponsored the first prize since 2008.

Work will be considered that supports or complements the IHP's research projects in the fields of materials research, semiconductor technology, circuit and system design.

Applicants may submit peer-reviewed bachelor's, master's and diploma theses of an outstanding academic standard. The work should be submitted no later than twelve months after its completion.

> To the Emerging Talent Award

Doctoral students

The "Friends of IHP" association has been awarding a prize for the best IHP promotion since 2012. Each year, the IHP Scientific and Technical Council selects one dissertation from those written at IHP in the past 12 months. The award is endowed with 800 euros.

> To the archive of the Doctoral Award

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