Nachwuchspreis des Fördervereins „Freunde des IHP e.V.“

Emerging Talent Award of the "Friends of IHP" association

Every year, the "Friends of IHP" association presents a sponsorship award for students. This nationwide award for emerging talents is endowed with a total of 1200.00 euros. The award can be split between several winners.


Current award winners

1st Prize with 500 €
Patrick Eder from the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg for his Master's thesis „Design und Aufbau eines modularen, kaskadierten mmWave MIMO-Radarsystems“

1st Prize with 500 €
Niklas Dreyer from Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg for his Master's thesis „Korrelation von strukturellen und optischen Eigenschaften einer InGaN/InGaN μLED-Struktur auf porösem GaN-Puffer“

3rd Prize with 300 €
Harshan Gowda Malavalli Nagaraju from Paderborn University for his master's thesis „Design and Analysis of PAM-4 Bang-Bang Phase Detector for High-speed Half-rate CDR circuit in 22nm FDSOI“


  • Two 1st prizes with 500 € each
    Patrick Eder for his Master's thesis at the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg
    Niklas Dreyer for his Master's thesis at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

    © IHP 2024/Juliane Schlegel

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