Archive of the Emerging Talent Award
1st prize with 500 €
Patrick Eder from the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg for his Master's thesis „Design und Aufbau eines modularen, kaskadierten mmWave MIMO-Radarsystems“
1st prize with 500 €
Niklas Dreyer from Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg for his Master's thesis „Korrelation von strukturellen und optischen Eigenschaften einer InGaN/InGaN μLED-Struktur auf porösem GaN-Puffer“
3rd prize with 300 €
Harshan Gowda Malavalli Nagaraju from Paderborn University for his master's thesis „Design and Analysis of PAM-4 Bang-Bang Phase Detector for High-speed Half-rate CDR circuit in 22nm FDSOI“
Photos 2024
1st prize with 500 €
Stefan Schönhärl from the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg for his Master's thesis „Entwicklung eines D-Band Phasenschiebers für FMCW-Radar-Anwendungen“
2nd prize with 300 €
Johannes Werkmann from the University of Applied Sciences Landshut for his bachelor's thesis „Entwicklung, Aufbau und Analyse der Ansteuerung für eine 3-Level-Flying-Capacitor-Topologie mit GaN-FETs“
2nd prize with 300 €
Richard Hegewald from the University of Potsdam for his Bachelor's thesis „Driver Customization for Deep Learning Hardware Acceleration“
The prizes were supported by Deutsche Bank.
Photos 2023
Special prizes from Deutsche Bank with 300 €
Patrick Langer from Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg for his Master's thesis „Echtzeitfahige Erkennung van Freezing of Gait bei Parkinson Patienten mithilfe FPGA basierter Inferenz von neuronalen Netzen“
Florian Frankreiter from the University of Potsdam for his Bachelor's thesis „Implementation and Evaluation of Selective Radiation Hardening on a Complex Microcontroller Asic Design“
Abdelaziz Saad from BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg for his Master's thesis „Incremental Code Updates as a Basis for Return Oriented Programming Attacks on Resource-Constrained Devices“
Special prize for sustainability with 300 €
Hannah Fellner from the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg for her Master's thesis „Untersuchung und Implementierung eines drahtlosen Energieübertragungssystems zur Strukturüberwachung von Windkraftanlagen“
Photos 2022
Special prize from Deutsche Bank with 500 €
Joel Rauscher from Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg for his Bachelor's thesis „Computergestützte Molekularstrahlepitaxie eines spannungsangepassten Mehrschichtsystems“
1st prize with 500 €
Benjamin Sandrock from the Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics (IHE) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) for his Bachelor's thesis „Untersuchung und Entwurf effizienter Anpassnetzwerke“
1st prize with 500 €
Benjamin Förster from Brandenburg University of Technology for his Master's thesis „Determining Distributions of Security Solutions for Wireless Sensor Networks based on the Model of a Neighborhood Watch“
1st prize with 500 €
Matthias Möck from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) for his Master's thesis „Design of a Wideband VCO above 100 GHz in SiGe BiCMOS Technology“
1st prize and special prize from Deutsche Bank with 500 €
Cedric Corley from the University of Kassel for his Master's thesis „Growth of GaAs/InAs Quantum Dots on Silicon substrates with Quantum Dot dislocation filters“
Photos 2019
1st prize and prize of Deutsche Bank with 300 €
Andreas Becker from TU Berlin for his Master's thesis „Growth and characterization of graphene on germanium“
1st prize and prize of Deutsche Bank with 300 €
Elisabeth Vogel from Brandenburg University of Technology for her Master's thesis „Analyse von EM-Kartographie als Mittel zur Bestimmung von Leakage-Quellen sowie des Effektes geeigneter Gegenmaßnahmen“
1st prize and prize of Deutsche Bank with 300 €
Malte E. Frisch from the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg for his Master's thesis „Implementation of a Phase-Locked Loop and a Serializer for a JESD Interface“
Special prize for social relevance with 300 €
Ali Haddadi Esfahani from Chemnitz University of Technology for his master's thesis „Point-of-care-ultrasound: patientennahe Bildgebung an Brennpunkten der ambulanten Versorgung“
Photos 2018
1st prize and prize from Deutsche Bank with 500 €
Emily Hofmann from RWTH Aachen University for her Master's thesis „Characterization of GeSn Tunnel Diodes and Contacts for Novel Devices“
2nd prize with 400 €
Julian Potschka from the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg for his Master's thesis „Design of an integrated subretinal implant using cellular neural networks“
3rd prize with 300 €
Chandrasekar Ganesan from the University of Paderborn for his Master's thesis „Wideband Millimeter-Wave VCO With Low Phase Noise Using Tunable RF MEMS and SiGe BiCMOS Technology“
Photos 2017
Each awarded a prize of 200 €
Alexander Wolf from the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau/ IHP for his Master's thesis „THz Plasmonics for Group IV Semiconductors – Applied to Biosensing“
Daniel Schindler from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology for his Master's thesis „Zirkular polarisierte on-Chip Antenne“
Estuardo Alpirez Bock from Brandenburg University of Technology/IHP for his Master's thesis „SCA Resistent Implementation of the Montgomery kP-Algorithm“
Paul Glogener from the University of Applied Sciences for Engineering and Economics for his Master's thesis „Systemintegration eines HF-Impedanzmesschips zum kontinuierlichen Monitoring von Zelldichten“
Photos 2016
1st prize with 500 €
Sebastian Taube from the University of Potsdam/IHP for his Master's thesis „Fehlertolerante Implementierung eines SpaceWire Interfaces“
2nd prize with 400 €
Sebastian Schweitzer from Humboldt University of Berlin for his Master's thesis „Numerische Modellierung optoelektronischer Eigenschaften von Gruppe IV Halbleiter-Heterostrukturen“
Photos 2015
1st prize and prize from Deutsche Bank with 500 €
Lisa Underberg from the Technical University of Dortmund for her Master's thesis „Konzeptionierung, Implementierung und Analyse eines zeitkritischen Steuernetzwerks für den Einsatz in der Fertigungsautomation“
2nd prize with 400 €
Marco Dietz from the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg for his Master's thesis „Entwurf und Aufbau eines RF Receiver Frontends für einen monolithisch integrierten vektoriellen Netzwerkanalysator“
3rd prize with 300 €
Michael Goderbauer from the University of Potsdam/Hasso Plattner Institute for his Master's thesis „Entwurf und Evaluation eines asynchronen Coprozessors für die Elliptische-Kurven-Kryptographie“
Photos 2014
1st prize and prize from Deutsche Bank with 500 €
Farabi Ibne Jamal from the University of Ulm for his Master's thesis „Design of Dual-Band VCO for E-Band Applications“
2nd prize with 400 €
Johannes Schulze from the TU Dresden for his Master's thesis „Entwurf und Analyse eines Leistungsverstärkers mit Arbeitspunktstromanpassung“
3rd prize with 300 €
Olga Schuckmann from Osnabrück University for her Master's thesis „Plasmamodifizierung von Praseodym- und Ceroxidschichten“
1st prize with 500 €
Jana Traue from Brandenburg University of Technology for her Master's thesis „An Event-Driven Middleware for Many-Core Architectures“
2nd prize with 400 €
Agata Pocej from Hochschule Furtwangen for her Master's thesis „Characterization and Modelling of the Degradation of SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBT)“
3rd prize with 300 €
Martin Schleyer from RWTH Aachen University for his diploma thesis „Hierarchical Functional Verification Approaches for a Low Power Bluetooth RF-Frontend“
Prize from Deutsche Bank with 500 €
Olaf Krause from Brandenburg University of Technology „Entwicklung einer drahtlosen Authentifizierungs- und Updatekomponente für die Debugschnittstelle von Mikrocontrollern“
1st prize with 500 €
David Fritsche from the TU Dresden „Entwurf und Analyse eines Leistungsverstärkers für LTE für Versorgungsspannungen oberhalb der Durchbruchspannung der Transistoren“
2nd prize with 400 €
Nicole Todtenberg from Brandenburg University of Technology „Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Mechanismen zur Verbesserung der "Quality of Experience" beim mobilen Zugriff auf Streaming orientierte Internet-Dienste über zellulare Netze“
3rd prize with 300 €
Steffen Kubotsch: „Investigation of HfO2-based RRAM-Structures"
1st prize (special prize from Deutsche Bank)
Lidia Tarnawska, Wrocław University of Science and Technology „GaN epitaxy on Si substrates via engineered oxide buffers“
2nd prize
Stephan Huckenholz from the Technical University of Munich „Prototype simulation of transmitter and receiver for UWB communication IEEE 802.15.4a“
2nd prize
Jan Wessel from Ruhr University Bochum „Integrated digitally controlled phaseshifter in silicon technology for mm-wave beam forming applications“
2nd prize
Clemens Helfmeier from the TU Berlin: „Entwicklung und Optimierung einer Vorgehensweise, um mittels eines "Focused Ion Beam"- Gerätes auf "Floating Gate"- Technologie basierende Permanent-Speicherzellen vollständig und zerstörungsfrei zu kontaktieren“
1st prize of 500 € (prize from Deutsche Bank)
Oliver Schrape from Humboldt University of Berlin for his diploma thesis „Eine Entwurfsmethodik für digitale SiGe-ECL-Schaltungen“
2nd prize with 400 €
Peter Rodenbach from the Free University of Berlin for his diploma thesis „Single Crystalline 100% epi-Ge Layers on Engineered Oxide Hetereostructures on Si“
3rd prize with 300 €
Robert Wolf from the TU Dresden for his diploma thesis „Entwurf und Analyse eines integrierten Pulsgenerators für die drahtlose Datenkommunikation und Lokalisierung gemäß Ultra-Wideband-Impuls-Standard (UWB)“
1st prize with 2 x 500 €
David Schöniger from the TU Dresden for his diploma thesis „Entwurf und Analyse eines schnellen Transimpedanzverstärkers in SiGe-HBT-Technologie“
Marion Zessack from Brandenburg University of Technology for his diploma thesis „Hardware/Software Co-Design für einen TCP-Processor“
1st prize and prize from Deutsche Bank with 500 €
Christian Walczyk from the University of Siegen/IMEC for his Master's thesis „Micro-loading Effects in the Selective Epitaxial Growth Process of Boron Doped SiGe in the Source/Drain Areas“
2nd prize with 400 €
Sebastian Geisler from the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau for his diploma thesis „Entwicklung einer optischen Proximity-Korrektur (OPC) für eine 0,13 μm SiGe:C BiCMOS-Technologie“
3rd prize with 200 €
Steffen Ortmann from Brandenburg University of Technology for his diploma thesis „Entwicklung eines Informationsfluss-Modells für ubiquitäre Systeme“
1st prize with 600 €
Marcus Ehrig from Humboldt University of Berlin for his diploma thesis „Entwurf und Implementation eines LDPC-Kodierers/Dekodierers für ein Gbit-WLAN“
2nd prize with 400 €
Bernd Schleicher from the University of Ulm for his Master's thesis „Design of 79 GHz SiGe Low Low Noise and Power Amplifier for Automotive Radar Applications“
1st prize with 600 €
Krzysztof Piotrowski from the University of Zielona Góra for his diploma thesis „Design and Implementation of an off-line E-Cash Scheme“
2nd prize with 400 €
Michael Maser from Brandenburg University of Technology for his diploma thesis „Towards Privacy Negotiation for Internet Services: Design and Prototyping of Basic Concept“